We see patients with Osteoarthritis of the knee everyday ranging from mild to severe cases.

Over the past 5 years we’ve treated thousands of people so they can get back to doing the things that they love.

Imagine being able to walk, stay fit and healthy by playing sports, or being able to play with the kids or grandkids again without pain.

Take the Knee OA Quiz to find out whether seeing us could help take the pain away

The Knee OA Quiz is for people:

  • who have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in the knee
  • who are struggling to play with their kids or grand kids due to pain and limited function
  • who don't want to join the queue for surgery
  • who want to enjoy their retirement without their knee pain getting in the way
  • who don't want to accept that the joint pain is part of ageing.

Disclaimer - this quiz does not substitute professional medical advice and it is always recommended to come in and see us if you are in pain.

Copyright © 2022 The Foot & Ankle Clinic | 01325 639025 | enquiries@thefootandankle.clinic

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